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    Ugandan MP charged $10 for uriniating in public

    Ugandan MP charged $10 for uriniating in public

    A lawmaker in Uganda has been fined for urinating in public by a competent court in the capital Kampala. Mr Abraham Abiriga was asked to pay an amount of $10 (equivalent to 40,000 Ugandan shillings) for
    creating a public nuisance by his action.

    The Member of Parliament (MP) on the ticket of the ruling NRM (National Resistance Movement) has since settled the fine as expected.

    Mr Abiriga in the latter part of September was captured urinating near the gate of the Finance Ministry in Uganda.     This photo of him in the act went viral on social media which led to his arrest and subsequent charge before Kampala court.

    The "New Vision portal" reports that the prosecution proved that the MP's act was against KCCA (Kampala Capital City Authority ) maintenance law and order ordinance 2016.

    At the time of the incident, the MP defended His act with the reason that; he could not keep the urine in him for any longer time and is even harmful to his health that is why he took that action.

    He said; “But you journalists are the ones making a mess, yesterday I was battled off I wanted to urinate, I jumped out and I was urinating, even with this you spread it on WhatsApp and other social platforms for what now?”

    The Member of Parliament who represents the people of the Arua Municipality was prosecuted under a city regulation that stipulates that a person who commits public nuisance or easing unlawfully in the city must be fined 40,000 Ugandan shillings, be imprisoned or slapped with both punishments.

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