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    This is the most beautiful woman in the world, according to maths

    There is a saying that; BEAUTY lies in the eye of the beholder but researchers believe they have found the ideal woman

    Some Mathematicians have revealed that women with heart-shaped faces such as actress Reese Witherspoon defines what real beauty is.

    If a woman's cheekbones are exactly as wide as her eyebrows, you can classify her as “mathematically beautiful” according to what the study authors suggested.

    A team of Researchers in America analyzed photographs of 55 female models in their quest to find out what the ideal facial proportions are.

    All the fifty-five ladies who were deemed to be aesthetically pleasing had one particular thing in common and that is, their cheekbones were spaced wide apart as the width of their eyebrows.

    Reese Witherspoon's heart-shaped face makes her beautiful

    It was discovered that the average distance between each of the models’ eyes was strictly 59.2mm and the vertically, the measurement between their cheekbones and eyes was 13.1mm.

    These figures from the research clearly indicate that a woman with a heart-shaped face is the most attractive and beautiful.

    Cosmetic surgeons may well use this to design the “perfect face".

     Gary Linkov, the lead researcher of the Temple University School of Medicine in the city of  Philadelphia said: "This notion of mathematical beauty simply implies the existence of ideal facial dimensions, contours, and ratios that, when present creates a harmonious, balanced and attractive face.

    "heart-shaped mid-face is the quintessential symbol of the youth and remains the overarching goal of mid-facial rejuvenation" he added

    Gary also said, However, few objective criteria exist to describe the mid-facial position, whether in the ideal or the aged state.

    “We also felt that these established parameters might be useful to clinicians who want to find means of quantifying aging changes as well as post-operative improvements." It is also simply a means of addressing ideal mid-facial proportions.

    "By using an objective and reproducible method to define mid-facial position also researchers and Clinicians to communicate more accurately resulting in a more reliable comparison between various methods of mid-facial rejuvenation techniques such as fillers and facelifts.”

    The results of this research have been welcomed by Dr. Gary Ross, who is a leading facial cosmetic surgeon based in the city of Manchester in the United Kingdom.

    Gary Linkov added that: “a woman's face and neck can droop with age as their skin loses its elasticity and this makes the face lose volume.

    This equation established from this research essentially points out that, enhanced volume in your face can make you appear more aesthetically pleasing, scientifically speaking.

    “Whiles we have always known this, this is also the first time anyone has sought to put an exact parameter on a ‘beautiful’ mid face." He concluded

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