• Breaking News

    President Mugabe creates new Ministry for Whatsapp and Facebook.

    President Mugabe appoints Minister for social media

     The Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe, has created new cybersecurity ministry purposely to punish “rats” who use the cyberspace as a recipe to
    attack his government ahead of their general election due next year.

    Mr Patrick Chinamasa, who's a former Finance minister has been appointed as the head of this newly created Cyber Security, Mitigation and threat Detection ministry.

    Most Zimbabweans have joked about this development, claiming Mr Chinamasa’s new appointment simply makes him the minister of Facebook and WhatsApp.

    It seems Chinamasa’s first assignment is to get rid of or regulate the use of Whatsapp and Facebook in the country and this is raising serious concerns over freedom of expression, access to information and a restriction on social media messaging.

    Zimbabwe actually did issue new rules on using WhatsApp in the country.

    These rules order Whatsapp groups to be registered and for the group administrator to have government level clearance.

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