Amazing Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil is sourced from the seeds of Nigella sativa, a plant that is native to Asia and long used in herbal medicine, This oil offers a wide range of
health benefits.
health benefits.
One of the key components of black seed oil is thymoquinone, a chemical compound with antioxidant effects.
Hemani Black Seed oil
In alternative medicine, black seed oil serves as a natural remedy for the treatment of following health conditions:
Asthma and cough relief
Boils and Carbuncles
Muscle cramps and Spasm
Nausea and stomach upset
High blood pressure
In addition, black seed oil is said to boost the body's immune system and also reduce inflammation. It is also used in cooking.
Black Seed
Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Though research on the health effects of black seed oil is much limited, there is some evidence to show that black seed oil can offer a lot of health benefits. Let us look at some key findings from the available studies:
1) Arthritis
Black seed oil may assist in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, based on a small study published in Phytotherapy Research in the year 2012.
From the study, forty women with rheumatoid arthritis took a placebo every day for 1 month.
From the study, forty women with rheumatoid arthritis took a placebo every day for 1 month.
The participants were allowed to take capsules containing black seed oil each day for an additional month.
The results showed that those who treated with black seed oil showed a significant improvement in certain symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including joint swelling and morning stiffness.
The results showed that those who treated with black seed oil showed a significant improvement in certain symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including joint swelling and morning stiffness.
2) Allergies
Black seed oil is very effective in the treatment of allergies. In the year 2009, a study published in Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, for example, tests on rats determined that black seed oil may help in controlling the allergic response by reducing joint inflammation in the airways.
3) Diabetes
The oil may be of great benefit to people with diabetes, according to an animal-based study published in Planta Medica in 2002. In tests on diabetic rats, the authors of the study are found that black seed oil may help lower blood sugar levels.
4) Cancer
Earlier research suggests that Thymoquinone extracted from black seed oil may offer anti-cancer benefits.
For instance, a research study published in the Experimental Biology & Medicine in 2010 revealed that treating human prostate cancer cells with thymoquinone helps trigger apoptosis.
In addition, a 2004 study published in the International Journal of Oncology found that Thymoquinone extracted from black seed oil helped induce apoptosis in human colon cancer cells.
5) Flu and Fever
The Oil has been found to assist in reducing fever, by inducing perspiration which aids the body cool and stimulate the release of toxins.
Take one teaspoonful of the Oil once a day in case of flu/fever systems occurs. Also be very sure to take in plenty of fluids throughout the day.
6) A cough and Asthma Relief
The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of the Oil assist in treating the symptoms of acute asthma and coughs just by relaxing bronchial muscles.
In the case of asthma, pour one teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil in hot water and inhale the vapor that comes out of it 2x daily.
For dry coughs, mix one teaspoonful of the oil into a cup of ginger tea and drink this 2x daily.
For other different types of coughs, you should massage a small amount of the oil over the center of your chest.
7) Insomnia
Research has shown that Black Seed Oil can assist in eliminating sleeping disorders.Simply mix a teaspoonful of black seed oil with a hot water and drink 1 hour before bed time for a good night's sleep
8) Muscle cramps and spasms
Black Seed has been found to possess strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory components.Therefore, it is very effective in preventing or easing muscle spasms and cramps. Simply massage Black Seed on the affected part once in the morning and another one before going to bed.
Alternatively, add a teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil in a cup containing chamomile tea and drink it at night just before going to bed.
9) Nausea and upset stomach
Studies have revealed that Black Seed Oil acts as a wonderful natural remedy for stomach pains by stimulating digestion and inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach.In cases of nausea and upset stomachs, mix 1/2 a teaspoon of freshly juiced ginger with 1/2 a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and take this twice daily.
10) Boils and Carbuncles
Research has shown that the anti-fungal properties of Black Seed Oil and its active ingredient Thymoquinone aids in the strengthening of the immune system and cure most common skin infections including boils, carbuncles and much more.Simply take half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil 2x daily (you can also mix it with a hot or cold beverage or porridge).
11) High Blood Pressure
The active components or ingredients in black seed oil have been found to be very effective in reducing cardiovascular diseases.
Due to the lack of research, little is known about the safety using black seed oil on the long-term when used in amounts higher than normally found in food.
However, there is some evidence to prove that applying black seed oil directly to the skin may sometimes cause some allergic reactions such as rashes in some individuals.
Using Black Seed Oil for Health
Due to the limited research, it is too early to recommend black seed oil as a treatment for any condition.
It's important to also bear in mind that self-treating a chronic condition with black seed oil and avoiding standard care may also have serious implications.
If you are considering using black seed oil in the treatment of a chronic condition, Please make sure you consult your primary health care provider.
There are no known side effects of Black Seed Oil if it's taken moderately. However, it is not recommended during pregnancy.
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