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    Are You Drinking Acidic Water Or Alkaline Water?

    Are You Drinking Acidic Water Or Alkaline Water

    Alkaline water has a lot of benefits for the body in maintaining it normal function, the five Major health benefits of alkaline water to

    the body includes the following summarised below;  

    It Improve your health, it supercharge your body's immune system, and fight the against the aging process in human with antioxidant-rich alkaline water!

    Toxins are described as the number one cause of aging. they're usually a results of poor diet, pollution, and stress. Toxins usually build up in your body inflicting cell harm that results in premature aging. 

    The best way to fight toxins and detoxify your body is with antioxidants. And its as simple as drinking antioxidant-rich alkaline Water. Change your water and alter your life!!!


    Detoxify your body to get rid of normal acidic waste that accumulated daily, and take away toxins accumulated in your body from your environmentprescribed drugs, unnatural foods and from the ?normal? process of aging. 

    Acid wastes collected within the body may result in a lot of serious health conditions. Drinking alkaline or basic water daily will neutralise the acidity and flash acid waste deposits product from cells and tissues to attain optimum health.

    2. HYDRATE

    Hydrate your body: this is often basic to keep up or regain optimum health. The body's alkaline filter changes your water into small clusters during ionization and this is much more easily absorbed at the cellular levels thus ?super hydrating? your body.


    Alkaline Water acts as an antioxidant, scavenging for and neutralizing harmful free radicals. simply because alkaline water has the power to give up electrons, it will effectively neutralize and block free-radical injury to the body.

     Ionised alkaline water seeks out free radicals and converts them into oxygen which your body will use for energy production and tissue oxygenation.

     Cancer And most alternative diseases cannot survive in an aeratedalkaline environment.


    Alkaline water helps balance the body's pHwhich tends to be acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins like smog

    You need to alkalize your body hydrogen ion concentration (PH) from acidic to basic pH , simply because cancer and many different illnesses cannot survive alkaline environments.

     Alkaline is the normal state of healthy persons.


    Enhance your immune system to maximise your body's ability to defend against disease and heal itself.

    Alkaline water very useful to our health
    Neutral water is neutral to our health
    Acidic water is harmful to our health

    Unfortunately, most of the water we drink turns acidic once tested with the pH Indicator however with this LONGRICH CUP, it'll convert all acidic water to alkaline for the body to perform well. It helps in healing lots of diseases as stated earlier,

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